supraventricular tachycardia



AV nodal re-entry Tachycardia (AVNRT)

- The Most Common Cause of SVT in patients with structurally normal heart  
- More common in women (3:1)  
- Can occur at any age and may affect otherwise fit and healthy patients  
- Precipitated by: __  
  - Caffeine, [Alcohol](, exercise, drugs; [beta-agonists]( (e.g. Salbutamol), Sympathomimetics (Amphetamines, Hyper-Thyroidism]( __Often no cause can be identified.

Usually Sudden Onset, sensation of regular palpitations. May also be Anxiety and Shortness Of Breath
- There may be a brief drop in blood pressure, although this rarely causes Syncope
- If there is underlying Coronary Artery Disease, there may also be Angina-like Chest Pain
- Pathology; _a re-entry circuit forms within the Atrioventricular Node, or anatomically adjacent very similar tissues located in the Right Atrium. Usually this circuit involves wither the _fast pathway or the slow pathway. Not to be confused with Atrioventricular Node Reentrant Tachycardia (e.g. Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome), where the re-entry pathways are not part of, or very close to the Atrioventricular Node, and are usually located in the valvular rings.

Not usually life threatening

- May resolve spontaneously


Vagal Manoeuvres

  - Ask the patient to blow hard onto the end of a 50ml syringe
